
Bye Bye Meat

It's official. I am going meat free and I'm excited about it. Thanks to links like http://shmooedfood.blogspot.com/ by the author of the Vegan Lunch Box and this link http://www.veggiebrothers.com/home for vegan food delivered to your door, plus so many yummy in store food options, I am looking forward to starting out without meat and then seeing if I can go all the way to Vegan.

The reasons behind this choice are many, but the main ones are lowering my demand for the meat industry to cruelly mistreat the very animals we are the care takers of on this Earth, to lower the negative effects these food have on my personal health, and live a more cruel free life. This goes hand in hand with my choice not to wear or purchase fur, even faux if possible since so many faux fur items can be real fur thanks to legal loopholes and corruption. Meat free living also compliments my choice not to wear leather - MooShoes are the best!

I will continue to blog about my findings for foods and meals I've had which deserve commenting. Yea!

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